Thursday 30 June 2016

Case study on community-led restoration projects and climate change

A case study of three coastal restoration projects looking at community-led approaches and climate change is in the new publication "Adapting to the consequences of climate change: Engaging with communities".

Link to the article here "Community-led approaches and climate change: Perspectives from coastal restoration projects"

The aim of this new NZCS publication is to support work with communities as they adapt to the consequences of climate change. It has been written to assist coastal professionals, decision-makers and communities in preparing for sea-level rise and the associated effects of climate change.
The publication includes examples of how local authorities are engaging with the public and working to create climate-smart communities. Some of this work includes considering when and how to engage with communities in planning processes, as well as how to make general and site-specific information, such as estimated sea-level rise, available in a way that supports better decision-making.

Thanks to the New Zealand Coastal Society.

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